The Best Kept Secrets to Cleaning Tile and Grout

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Tip 1: Use A Groutbrush

The main problem with tile cleaning is getting into the grout lines. These lines are often skipped over when using a regular mop or broom, so when you do your deep cleaning or notice that the grout lines are getting kind of gross, use a groutbrush. Just spritz on a bit of cleaner and go to it. A groutbrush can fit into those thin grout lines perfectly, and it really doesn’t take as much time as you would assume.

Tip 2: Always Sweep First

Never mop over your tiles without sweeping first. All of that dirt and grime on the floor will just get pushed around, and probably end up in your grout lines. Do yourself a big favor and always start your tile cleaning off with a good sweeping. It only takes a minute, after all.

Tip 3: NAME

Most dirty water will settle onto the grout lines and when the water evaporates, you are left with a thin layer of dirt on your grout. After continuing to mop your floor this way, it doesn’t take long for that thin layer of dirt to become a thick layer of dirt on your grout.

Tip 4: Soak Up Excess Water

Excess mop water can soak into your grout lines, causing them to look dirty again. It can also cause them to stink. So after you mop over your tiles, do a quick drying. This can be as easy as throwing a towel on the floor and using your feet to scoot across the tiles. It doesn’t have to be totally dry, just dry enough that it will finish up quickly on its own. To speed up drying


We hope that you found this article to be helpful. If you need any more advice, have any further questions, or would like to ask about our professional tile cleaning services, please contact us at 909-599-6171. We look forward to your call!

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